Purple Squirrels

Getting your ducks in a row

I don’t have ducks. I have squirrels.

And I’m passionate about getting them in a row.

Being proactive is the best way to ensure you have time to handle the Purple Squirrel moments in your life & business.

You know, the issues that pop up so unexpectedly and it’s always a problem you couldn’t have prepared for, even if you tried.

Examples I’ve handled include….

  • When the ice cream vendor for an outdoor wedding shows up without a power supply to keep their ice cream cold – 2 hours before the ceremony starts

  • When someone crashes through your business entry after getting the gas and brake pedals mixed up

  • When only one person signs up for a fundraising competition

  • When an email introducing a new product feature goes to the wrong audience – ya know, the audience that wasn’t going to get access to the new feature to begin with #Awkward

Knowing there are always purple squirrels running amuck means I take a proactive approach to everything I do

By intentionally setting aside time that isn’t allocated to something, I’m able to pivot as needed when the purple squirrel comes running into your yard.

But what happens if the purple squirrel doesn’t come around? Isn’t that just a waste of time?

Nope! There are other things that can fill time

  • Get ahead on a new project

  • Start reading a new book

  • Do some research on what new ‘thing’

  • Rest – like actually do nothing

Stay vigilant when scrolling the Pivot with Purpose Facebook or LinkedIn

If you see the purple squirrel in any posts, respond in the comments using the squirrel emoji and “IYKYK” - so I know you know.